Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I'm on a rant. A tear. I'm fit to be tied (hmm... ok, well let's just let that one pass, ok?). I'm all riled up again. This time? The Corporate Culture... the jungle. Here, there be monsters!

After an approximate 4 year absence from the Mega Corporation environment, I'm right back in it. As is usually the case, I REALLY like the people I work with - my own team members in particular. My boss, most definitely.

It's not always easy to find a good boss... and when I am in a position of leadership, I try to remember that. Nobody is perfect, but I think that as a person in Management, you have a responsibility to the people that work for you. You look out for them. You back them up... or catch them before they make a mistake from which you can't protect them. In the end, the Manager is held responsible anyway - so it's also the Manager's job to take the shit, and dole out the praise and give credit where it's due. Make sure you provide opportunities for growth, make sure you express appreciation... and your team will be less likely to kill you when you have to ask them to work ridiculous hours on something none of you wants to mess with.

I've been lucky - over the years, I've had some excellent examples from which I learned. Some were very positive examples, and some were just miserable - but some of the most important lessons were gleaned from the most miserable leaders, because I learned what NEVER to do. Ok, I'm rambling... back to the point, woman.

I am a consultant at a really, really large company. One of the largest. In a recent activity for which I was the PM, an incident occurred - a technical resource installed an approved piece of software on a production server without following the letter of the process. The client took exception to this, and wouldn't let it go, despite the fact that the entire thing was done to fulfill their request for help, outside of the scope that was agreed upon. In other words, the engineer went above and beyond the call to help, and they were going for his jugular. I didn't want that to happen, and escalated to my boss... who made sure that the engineer wouldn't get his ass in a sling over it.

Then, they took aim at me. Great. Gotta love that. The client says that I said something I flat did not say. It wasn't in any of my correspondence, it wasn't stated in a phone conversation... nothing. I have heard that this is not the first time it's happened, that this is the MO of this particular client. Bastard. So, I get pissed off when this guy says that I've lost credibility and trust for my team because of a statement I never made. I kept my cool on the phone with him, then called and told my boss what happened. Fortunately, he said, "Don't worry about it - you didn't do anything wrong - fuck him." Ok, I now love my boss in a completely unromantic, "I love ya man" kinda way. LOL

The whole thing left me feeling rather... naive. As I am wont to do when these types of things happen in business, I call a friend and mentor. I tell him what happened. He, bless his big, soft heart (though I'm one of very few that knows he has a big, soft heart), puffs his chest up like a Warrior (ok, it's over the phone, so not really, but it's an attitude thing). He's worked with me, and knows how I operate. "I know you don't need my protection, but now I'm pissed off at the way this guy is behaving and feeling overprotective of you." Ok, when I'm really angry like that, support is what is needed. I love him too. However, he comes through with what I REALLY needed, that my boss couldn't give me because he doesn't know me well enough. A reminder and some sage advice.

"You're back in the big corporate jungle again, honey, and they don't play fair. I did it for years, and I hate that shit." Then he asks the big question: "Remember I told you a couple of years ago to read "The Art of War"? Did you buy that book? Have you read it?" Shamed, because for the first time I didn't buy a book and consume it, I had to tell him that no, I hadn't.

"Well, it doesn't say any of the shit that Michael Douglas says in Wall Street, but you need to read it. If you don't buy it, I'll buy it and send it to you. It's worth the $7. It sounds to me like this guy either has an axe to grind, or is trying to save his own ass because they had to ask your guys to help save the day in the first place. Could be both. Either way, he's trying to deflect attention away from his problem by moving an issue over to you. If you do your job too well, he might not keep his."

I didn't see how that could be possible - there's no way I could impact this guy's job... he pointed out that while I'm not in a position to take his job, I can certainly have an impact on the perception of how good he is at it. And, in the current market, keeping one's job is increasingly important. Ok, true... I wasn't looking at it from that point of view in my anger-clouded brain. I let my temper get the better of me, so I wasn't seeing as clearly as I should have. Glad I called him. But then, I usually am. He's an incredibly smart guy, though he'll rarely admit it. I found out some information today that completely validates what he said. I'm a believer.

Now, I haven't gotten it yet (but I will by Friday, I can guarandamntee you) but I've read some information about it. The thing that really blows my mind is that I would need to read a book with the title "The Art of War" to be better prepared to succeed in a big company. Sheesh. But, it's true... a respected team mate told me that the only people that get up the chain here are the ones that are willing to stab their way up. I paraphrase, but that was his meaning. So, I'm back in a place where to anyone outside my department, I have to be the Ice Queen. Damn, I thought I was through with that, mostly. I mean, I didn't gain the nickname of Her Majesty The Queen in the corporate jungle for nothing, but it's been a long time since that was the way I operated by default. *sigh*

Ah well... at least I can be myself with my own team members. That's a boon, right? And, in the meantime, I sharpen my teeth and claws, read a book....and prepare for war. No more Nice Lady. The Bitch Is Back.

That Bastard had better watch his ass.