Thursday, February 28, 2008


I've had my moment for the month. I'm surprised that it was only one, really, given my life in recent weeks.
I have contributed to the Dumbass pool by executing my own brand of Dumbassity... Dumbassishness... either works. I dumbassterfully locked my keys in my car this morning in the parking garage. Greaaaat. Well, hey - that's alright I have a spare in my purse.... which was also sitting on the seat inside the LOCKED car, holding the spare as well as my primary key ring. FABulous.
I was on a conference call for work, so I couldn't even say a few choice words to express my extreme dismay and bewilderment at how this occurrence could befall me at such an inopportune moment. I always keep a few of those choice words at the ready for just these types of circumstances. Alas, potty-mouth inhibitors were firmly in place. *sigh* No expletive relief for the intensely frustrated.
So, I kept my mouth shut and with great aplomb and maturity, stomped through the parking garage THINKING every nasty word I've ever learned, in new and inventive combinations. I discovered something about myself. In extreme moments of dumbassishness such as this, I can be exceedingly creative. Invite me to your next Navy party - I promise not to disappoint. I can cuss like a sailor with the best (or worst) of 'em. I practiced. Alot.
I know this already, and you'd think I'd have learned by now, but evidently I need more time to absorb this lesson: When I break my pattern, bad things happen. LOL
I suppose I do have a bit of the obsessive/compulsive in me. While I'm no "Monk" (tv reference, for the uninitiated) by any stretch, I do have certain things that I do the same all the time. It's more to make sure that I don't succumb to dumbassity than any real emotional imperative. For example: when I turn off the car, I immediately put my keys in my purse (so that I don't leave them in the ignition and lock them in the car - the last lesson I learned of this nature). Well, that's great until I get out of the car to get my laptop out of the back seat, having locked the doors from the front... then close all the damned doors leaving my purse on the seat!! I had my cell phone in one hand, which kept me from grabbing my purse as I normally would. Geez. I was distracted by the call and deviated from my normal pattern... and see what happened???
Fortunately, I called Pop a Lock, and within 30 minutes they arrived and retrieved my keys for me... for $44.95. Cheaper than replacing glass from a fury induced explosion of laptop-through-window syndrome.
So, what's the habit/pattern that keeps you from joining the suffering Dumbass horde? Everybody's got at least one... what's yours??? Just click on the comment link below and entertain me... make me feel better about my own contribution for today. ;-)

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