Thursday, May 22, 2008


Sorry for the delayed post... I think I shot my blog wad for a while, so to speak. I don't really have anything deep or earth-shattering to share this time. The subjects that are deep are too deep at the moment, and I've had enough earth shattering to last a while.

So, I'm going to stick to a topic close to my heart, so that it's something I'm still passionate about... music. More specifically, today - guitarists. I play several instruments, guitar being one... but I am not a guitarist. My son - he's a guitarist. The boy has serious skills. I am a hack at best, able to strum a bit in front of a campfire kinda thing. Kevin thought at one time that he'd never be as good as me, when I showed him a little of the classical guitar I knew... I told him then that his vision was limited, and he'd be far better than I. Now, he's so far surpassed me that it's not even funny. He is more committed to his instrument... guitar was my 2nd instrument - piano always my "home". Off topic, off topic.. get back on track!!

The guys I'm going to talk about today completely blow my mind. These are the kind of musicians that make me sit back, jaw hanging somewhere around my chest... all my senses on full alert, synapses firing as their fingers hit steel and wood... as my brain processes the harmonics, the melodies, the percussive elements and the overall composition that brings every emotion I've ever experienced to the surface... and a few new ones, too.

Those that have known me for an extended period of time know of my love for the music of Michael Hedges. One of my biggest musical regrets is that I never got to see him play in person when he was alive. I'd never heard anything like his music, or the way he played. I played his record (yes, I have him on vinyl!!) constantly when pregnant with my son - probably why he's such a great guitarist, though the acoustic fingerstyle of Hedges isn't his way of playing. So, I was looking for new music yesterday... and while on Amazon, I ran across guys I'd somehow managed to miss all these years. OMG... they are just incredible. Different from Michael Hedges, though their style is very similar. I will confess to a bias... nobody does it like Michael... but oh, these musicians are just phenomenal. Two of these guys are Canadian... what is it about Canada and this style?

Don Ross. Wow. WOW. I can't pick a favorite song yet. I've ordered 2 or 3 of his CDs, and will most likely end up buying every one he's made. He takes me to amazing places with his music. My soul is happy when I listen to him play, which is the kind of reaction I had to Michael Hedges. Check him out, I promise you won't regret it.

Andy McKee. Another WOW player, but from Kansas. He's actually the first one I came across. If I had to choose between he and Don Ross, I think I'd just have to shoot myself. I can't do it. They are very different as composers, yet their music also compliments the other's so well. However, Andy plays the Harp Guitar... which Hedges played, and that's an instrument whose sound I fell in love with. His vids on YouTube are some of the most watched EVER. You'll understand why when you hear him.

Antoine Dufour - the new kid on the block. Again... I'm just stunned at the talent. I think I would have to say that Antoine is more reserved than Don...he's as clean of a player as Andy, technically as skilled as both... but he has a different style, too. Love him. I want to see him really cut loose... I think I could handle it, though I might have to be picked up off the floor when he was done.

So, check these guys out, and buy their CDs. You won't be able to resist, really. I didn't find Antoine until today, so I have yet to order his music, but you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be doing so. You can find them at: Go now.

This is the kind of music that speaks to something deeper... I don't know how anyone could listen to the music of these three artists and be less than profoundly moved. They will wring emotion from you, against your will. You can try to resist, but it's impossible. They'll own you. Believe it.

1 comment:

  1. I purchased Antoine Dufour's most recent CD, "Existence", through iTunes last night.

    It's wonderful. I love the first 3 tracks in particular, but "You and I", Track #8 is also right up there on my list of current favorites.

    Can't wait to get the other CDs I ordered when I get home today.
