Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Busy, busy, Busy... that's all I can really give as an excuse for such a long time between posts.   Rehearsals for "Domari" are long underway, and I have about 15 dancers hard at work learning choreography.  We have a mascot... we have most of our cast... and we have fundraising in progress.  The elusive male dancers are my last gap to fill, though I do now have some prospects... which eases my frantic mind.  I always need more... so, if you are reading this and think it's too late... it's not... not yet.  There are still a couple of weeks left to join the cast if interested, so contact me.

My thoughts with regard to this production are in 15 places at once... a multitasking achievement extraordinaire.  I am finishing up the choreography; finalizing the last of the "dramatic music", for those transitional scenes that are more acting than what most would consider pure dance; working on the stage diagrams for lighting on each scene for my light designer, so that she can take my ideas and turn them into fabulous (workable) reality; editing rehearsal videos so that the dancers have a tool to use for their own rehearsal time; updating the written choreography notes for the same purpose; thinking about marketing and branding as we start the big publicity pushes; preparing for the next board meeting for DFTH where we discuss all the financials and scheduling; sifting through a few dancer applications that have recently arrived;  prepping options for our early VIP package sales:  prepping options for our "Adopt A Dancer" fundraising program; planning our requirements for the Cultured Cocktails event next month (another fundraiser!); and then there are rehearsal schedules; prop/scenery planning; costuming discussions/decisions; fabric shopping... how many things is that, really?  There are more that aren't in this list... it never seems to end.

I'm not complaining, mind you... I love the process... i just wish I could do this full time, instead of fitting it in around a demanding full time job.   I feel continually pressed for time... seeing the deadlines looming with full understanding of how much is still left to accomplish.  But I am surrounded by wonderful, talented dancers... a few are my "support group", who reassure me that yes, it's all doable... it will all work out... everything is fine.  They keep me sane when I start getting nervous.  :) 

The rehearsals are going well.  The new additions to the cast are picking up the choreography quickly, even though it is a fusion of styles and cultural influences.  There are new movements being introduced to everyone... some have ballet/modern/jazz background and have no problem with that vocabulary, and others are learning it for the first time.  Some are new to Middle Eastern styles of dance, and are learning the challenges inherent in that art form.  Some haven't had experience with the different Middle Eastern cultural influences... some only familiar with Egyptian versus Turkish or Israeli, for example.  :)  Without exception, the dancers are working hard... helping me take this vision and make it a tangible offering to the public eye.  I am honored that they have chosen to work with me on this, and blessed by their participation.

I definitely feel the pressure of balancing creative storytelling with real historic events... making sure that when I take artistic license I am not sacrificing the greater message, or the cultures represented.  The story is not a new one... these issues have existed for hundreds of years for more than just the Romani people... but it is as relevant today as it was then.  That by itself is more than sad... that we as a people have not learned greater tolerance, acceptance and understanding of our fellow man by now... that there is such hatred and violence still prevalent in our society.  I am stunned when I see so many examples in our world... how can people miss the basic fact that we are all human?  That we share the same basic desires in life?   This is why Dance From the Heart is so important to me... every culture has artistic expression... every culture... every HUMAN feels joy, pain, anger, love and loss... whatever opinion you have, what color you are, what God/Goddess you worship (or don't)... we all share these things, and express them through our voices, music, movement, visual media... there is common ground.  There is ALWAYS some common ground.  My goal is to show poeple that common ground.. to try and open their eyes... just a little.  Yes, yes... I'm stepping down from my overly simplistic and optimistic soap box... but I can hope, right?  That we will someday, universally, "get it"?

So, I go back to the tasks at hand, and look forward to the next rehearsal... the next dance... and the final production.  If it is as magical as the vision in my head, this will be one hell of a show.  :)

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